Netwerk van therapeuten
en psychologen
Psychotherapy - Arnhem - Jan
Psychotherapy Arnhem
Meander 251
6825 MC Arnhem
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Jan | Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy Arnhem

My name is Jan, therapist in Arnhem.

I offer both individual therapy and relationship therapy.

I see clients with a wide range of issues, including

  • Anxiety, fear, panic, phobia
  • Bereavement, grief, loss
  • Burnout
  • Depression
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Relationship problems
  • Stress, worrying


I pay attention to you as a developing human being. I strive for you to live your life as fully as possible, as powerfully as possible - given your values and talents.

I consciously choose treatment methods that have proven their usefulness and effectiveness in practice or in scientific research. As a therapist, I am well-educated and experienced, continuously retrained and supervised. This guarantees a broad and modern range of assistance.

If you want to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

Online therapy is offered with the programme WeSeeDo. Approved by the Personal Data Authority.
You do not need to download anything but simply click on the link provided.
Opleidingen en registraties

Qualifications and registrations

  • Bachelor of Nursing, at Faculty of Health and Social Studies of the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen. 1992 – 1996. Including mental and physical health care, both major
  • Master of Arts at Hanze University of Applied Sciences & NHL University of Applied Sciences of Groningen at the city of Groningen.  Assessments: Evidence Based Practice;
  • Pharmacotherapy; Critical Thinking; Clinical Decision-Making; Physical Examination and Diagnostics; Research Methodology and Techniques; Personal Effectiveness; Expertise Development; Quality and Innovation; Quality Care; Design-Based Research; Trajectory Design Project; Personal Effectiveness; Prevention Program Development; Strategy and Policy; Philosophy. Major: Psychiatry (including psychopathology, DSM, ICIDH, psycho-diagnostics)
  • Medical internship at Bernhoven Teaching Hospital, Oss, The Netherlands. January 1999 up to and including January 2000 at the ER and department Cardiology. Primary consultation of ER and outpatients under supervision of the chief of training program GPs, Dr P. Kuijer
  • Psychiatric internship at Radboud University, Nijmegen. 1998 – 2000. Department Consultative Psychiatric Service for Academic Teaching Hospital Radboud and Academic Centre of Lung diseases Dekkkerswald as psychiatric consultant, therapist for outpatients, member of the team for the NIAZ program Consultative Psychiatric Service.
  • The Netherlands Institute for Accreditation in Healthcare (NIAZ) offers a contribution to the assurance and improvement of the quality of health care, in particular by developing quality standards and by using them in the external evaluation of health care institutions and health care services, resulting in a judgment giving third parties - health care consumers, health care insurers, collaboration partners, government agencies and society in general - assurance that healthcare is being produced in an adequate and safe way.
  • Education Program Auditing according NIAZ standard.
  • Post academic education psychiatry




I am done with all the price increases and the inaccessible mental health services for many, due to the high price.
The fees below apply to all forms of therapy.
Call times:
  • Each conversation always starts on the whole hour.
  • A conversation lasts 45 minutes.
  • Prices per session €75.00 (Individual therapy) and per session Relationship therapy €90.00 (All including VAT)
  • Sessions starting on or after 18:00 have a surcharge of € 20.00.
  • You can make use of modules (Feel free to look at (These modules cost nothing)

Prices are often associated with quality.  My practice scores high in quality measurements.
The rating based on 28 respondents is:
- Treatment                                          9.8
- Information treatment                    8.6
- Collaborative decision-making       9.2
- Implementation of treatment        8.8
- Rating                                                 8.7


Mijn praktijk ligt in Arnhem.
Ik ontvang mensen uit de regio Arnhem, Rheden, Zevenaar, Elst, Didam.

Contact me

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