Do you know that feeling of going about your life as usual and noticing thoughts in your head down the line of:
'you will never manage', 'this is going to end badly', 'this is way out of your league'.
An unfriendly critic, personally attacking you, your value as a person and your abilities in all areas of life?
The negative and critical thoughts you notice in your head are not of your conscious personality center but are an expression of a part of you, often referred to as the inner critic.
The first step in changing the relationship you have with your inner critic is exactly that, taking a step back and realizing that you are you and you have an inner critic. There is a difference between you and him and there must be an energetic space, a distance, between the two of you.
You can best achieve this by changing your inner dialogue:
Instead of saying to yourself
'I don't think I will make it'
say instead
'the inner critic thinks I won't make it',
instead of
'I already know it will end badly'
say to yourself
'the inner critic believes it will end badly'.
How do you distinguish your thoughts from those of the inner critic?
My rule of thumb is: if he's criticizing you, it's the inner critic.
'you will never manage', 'this is going to end badly', 'this is way out of your league'.
An unfriendly critic, personally attacking you, your value as a person and your abilities in all areas of life?
The negative and critical thoughts you notice in your head are not of your conscious personality center but are an expression of a part of you, often referred to as the inner critic.
The first step in changing the relationship you have with your inner critic is exactly that, taking a step back and realizing that you are you and you have an inner critic. There is a difference between you and him and there must be an energetic space, a distance, between the two of you.
You can best achieve this by changing your inner dialogue:
Instead of saying to yourself
'I don't think I will make it'
say instead
'the inner critic thinks I won't make it',
instead of
'I already know it will end badly'
say to yourself
'the inner critic believes it will end badly'.
How do you distinguish your thoughts from those of the inner critic?
My rule of thumb is: if he's criticizing you, it's the inner critic.