The Exercise- Everyday, write down three positive things that you did, or happened because of you. These things can be "big" things, such as getting a good grade in school or making a nice dinner for your friends, etc., or can be "small" things, such as making a nice meal for yourself or getting out of bed on time.
The Purpose- The purpose of this exercise is to start becoming more aware of all the positive things you are doing in a day, which you would otherwise tend to ignore or minimise, or consider "normal". A day in your life is made up of thousands of little moments and it is important to acknowledge the positives that we do.
Troubleshooting- It is important to write down the things that you are playing a role in. Thus, something like- The sun is shining today- while being a a positive thing and important to acknowledge, has nothing to do with you. To help your self esteem, it is important to acknowledge what YOU do/ happened BECAUSE OF you.
If you find it difficult to come up with things for the day, focus on the more "mundane" things you might be minimising, that are infact positive and the most important to acknowledge. Because here's the could also be choosing not to do them, yet you did do them, and that is what matters.
The Purpose- The purpose of this exercise is to start becoming more aware of all the positive things you are doing in a day, which you would otherwise tend to ignore or minimise, or consider "normal". A day in your life is made up of thousands of little moments and it is important to acknowledge the positives that we do.
Troubleshooting- It is important to write down the things that you are playing a role in. Thus, something like- The sun is shining today- while being a a positive thing and important to acknowledge, has nothing to do with you. To help your self esteem, it is important to acknowledge what YOU do/ happened BECAUSE OF you.
If you find it difficult to come up with things for the day, focus on the more "mundane" things you might be minimising, that are infact positive and the most important to acknowledge. Because here's the could also be choosing not to do them, yet you did do them, and that is what matters.