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  • The origine story of the Inner Critic

    Where does the inner critic originates from?
    This is an extremely important question to answer because when you understand his story you can better understand what it actually do and why and how you may want to go about in changing the relationship with it.

    The inner critic starts its career early on in our life, as a kind of super nanny that has the task to avoid any accident, discomfort, disappointment etc.

    As we grow up the need to keep us safe changes, the strategies of the inner critic are therefore more and more inadequate to the task. However we grew accustomed to the inner critic being a constant presence in our head and we tend to believe its words. That is how we end up with a mean inner critic that seems not to serve any purpose anymore other than making us feel bad about ourselves.

    The step that I would like to suggest is for you to start using a chair to put next to you when you are working at something and feel distracted by the interference of the inner critic. You will ask the inner critic (this is with your intention in your mind) to sit on the chair and let you work in peace at your task. In this way you acknowledge it’s presence, you don’t send it away, however you block the interference. Do this as much and as often as needed.

    This is the beginning of an healthy relationship with your inner critic.

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