Netwerk van therapeuten
en psychologen


    The most interesting people are those who have an history that contradicts what they have become. I’m talking about people that started their career in corporate and ended up teaching yoga, or teachers that became therapist or bookkeeper that ended up training to be physiotherapist.

    What is most interesting in these people, and I know a few, is that they clearly have listened to that inner voice whispering in their hears about their purpose and mission, their bliss and happiness and revealing what their calling really was and that it was time to take it seriously.

    Life creative endeavor

    When you do that you are embracing life as a creative endeavor and you offer your labor with love to what is true for you and closest to your heart. There are surely risks associate with this kind of enterprises and this is what hold you back, possibly. However, I want to underline that there are also boundless rewards, more than words can describe.

    When you follow the whisper of your soul and change course to your life, you align with your essence, you accept to embrace you wholeness and your greatness. All this takes serious guts, especially to follow through with it and continue following the whisper in the face of difficulties, delay and such. Because after you change your life and start a new career the job is not done yet in many cases.

    The second whisper

    Yes, the whisper comes often back to steer us in the direction we need to go to fulfil what we started. It may not just be opening an herbalist shop, it may have to become an wellness imperium, you never know when you start. It may not just be about offering kinesiology treatment, it could be about opening a school for kinesiologists. It could not just be about teaching yoga, it could be about bringing spiritual teaching to large groups.
    How to recognize the right path?

    The change of course is not necessarily a change of profession or a new relationship, it can really just be a different perspective that you take with regards to your life: how you want to feel, think and behave. It is about you becoming more aware of how you contribute, so that you don’t do that in automatic pilot but consciously, on purpose and with pleasure.
    But it starts from you becoming more aware of who you are and who you want to be in the future. A great inner journey towards the unveiling of your talents and your likes, your preferences and your obsessions, your natural attitudes and your creativity.

    Clarity may be overrated

    For some people the big obstacle is to find the courage to go and do what they really want to do, but for many, the obstacle come even before that. Often enough people don’t know what they want exactly, they just know what they now have is not it, however they have no idea how to figure out what is the right path for them.

    What is the worst of these two scenario? The one you are in, for sure. No matter which it is. Feeling the need for a change, hearing a calling and not managing to answer it, is difficult, painful and often lonely. However, it has proven helpful to access the flow of inspiration to be open, flexible and allowing. Sometimes the best ideas are the one you cannot even imagine yet.

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